ase 2021. 4. 9. 23:17
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Reading of the instructive decision of the 'Operation Marques' process

epa09124509 The defendant and former Prime Minister Jose Socrates before the instructional decision session of the high-profile corruption case known as Operation Marques, at the Justice Campus in Lisbon, Portugal, 09 April 2021. Operation Marques has 28 defendants - 19 people and 9 companies - including former Prime Minister Jose Socrates, banker Ricardo Salgado, businessman and friend of Socrates Carlos Santos Silva, and senior executives of Portugal Telecom, and is related to crimes of active and passive corruption, money laundering, document forgery, and tax fraud. EPA/MARIO CRUZ / POOL

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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