AFCU ukit 2021. 3. 8. 23:57
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Medical board begins to analyze whether there was negligence in the care of Maradona

epa09061814 Police officers guard the headquarters of the Scientific Police Superintendency, during the meeting of the medical board of official experts for the investigation into the death of soccer star Diego Armando Maradona, in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 08 March 2021. The medical board that convened the Argentine Justice to clarify a possible negligence in the medical treatment of Diego Maradona, and if it could lead to his death on 25 November 2020, begins to deliberate on 08 March, according to the San prosecutor's office. The San Isidro Attorney General's Office investigates the actions of seven people: the neurosurgeon Leopoldo Luque, the psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov, the psychologist Carlos Diaz, the nurses Dahiana Gisela Madrid and Ricardo Almiron, the coordinating physician Nancy Forloni and the nurse coordinator Mariano Perroni. EPA/DEMIAN ALDAY ESTEVEZ

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