LG Innotek partners with Microsoft on 3D-sensing camera

2021. 3. 8. 14:22
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CEO Jeong Cheol-dong (LG Innotek)

LG Innotek said Monday the company has inked a deal with Microsoft to increase its share in the 3D-sensing module market.

The South Korean electronic parts supplier signed a memorandum of understanding with the US-based tech mogul to cooperate on the development of ToF modules for Microsoft’s Azure Cloud service.

The ToF -- time of flight -- module is a core component of 3D-sensing cameras which perceives three-dimensionality, spatial information and movement of an object by measuring the round-trip time of an artificial light signal shot toward the object.

When applied to smartphones or wearable devices, the modules can implement functions such as biometric authentication, motion recognition, augmented reality and virtual reality.

Azure is a cloud computing service from Microsoft, which claimed the second-largest share of the global cloud computing service market in 2020. Global companies including Walt Disney, AT&T, SAP and Walgreens also use Azure.

Under the memorandum, LG Innotek will develop a new ToF module for the Microsoft Azure platform, using its leading-edge 3D-sensing module technologies. The ToF module will be mounted on wearable devices and such to act as a data input device linked with the Azure service.

Microsoft will provide the Korean company with its 3D-sensing technologies, as well as a network of collaboration partners that encompass hardware and software companies, system integrators, and customers.

“This MOU will be a good opportunity to expand application areas for our 3D-sensing modules beyond smartphones, as we will utilize our global No. 1 business capability in the smartphone market,” said Eun Jong-yun, head of the optics solution product planning division at LG Innotek.

The LG affiliate expects to mass-produce the ToF modules in the second half of this year.

By Song Su-hyun (song@heraldcorp.com)

<ⓒKoreaHerald(www.koreaherald.com)무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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