Hanwha Life to offer unsecured loans via Kakao Pay

김지희 2021. 3. 8. 13:57
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Hanwha Life customers can apply for unsecured loans via messenger app KakaoTalk from now, the company said Monday.
A screen capture of a KakaoTalk page on mobile phone where customers can apply for unsecured loans offered by Hanwha Life. [HANWHA LIFE]

Hanwha Life customers can apply for unsecured loans via messenger app KakaoTalk from now, the company said Monday.

The life insurance company joined forces with Kakao Pay, which is 56.1 percent owned by Kakao, to increase customers' access to its loan programs.

Hanwha Life is offering two unsecured loan products via the Kakao platform. Both products are open only those that have been subscribing to Hanwha Life's insurance products for 18 months or longer, and they must be 26 or older.

The insurer said it plans to add products open to the wider public on Kakao platform in the future.

BY KIM JEE-HEE [kim.jeehee@joongang.co.kr]

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