car cs 2021. 3. 1. 02:19
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South African sets world record by rowing across the Atlantic in 70 days

epa09043038 An undated handout photo made available by Zirk Botha, shows of the section traveled by the South African Zirk Botha, who set a new world record when he arrived in Rio de Janeiro this Sunday, after a 7,200-kilometer rowing journey from Cape Town, which made him the first solo sailor to cross the South Atlantic in 70 days (issued 28 February 2021). Botha completed his transatlantic adventure without any assistance on his ship 'Ratel', built by himself and which was his home for the more than two months of the journey. EPA/Zirk Botha HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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