YA tz jak 2021. 2. 24. 06:04
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Yemenis use donkeys and camels to carry food supplies

epaselect epa09032353 Yemenis lead donkeys transporting donated food rations through a rough mountainous path at the remote district of Al-Haymah, some 100 km from Sana'a, Yemen, 14 February 2021 (issued 23 February 2021). Many Yemenis in the country's rough mountainous areas use camels and donkeys, the cheapest and preferred way, to transport food supplies to their remote villages. Due to the high poverty rate, the war-ridden country is experiencing the world's largest humanitarian crisis, according to the United Nations. The UN has warned that over 16 million people, more than half of Yemen's population, are struggling to get food every single day, and an estimated 50,000 others are living in famine-like conditions. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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