CPT BL ukit 2021. 2. 5. 21:32
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Maritime transport at the Port of Cherbourg in Normandy

epa08988727 Truck drivers disembark from a ferry boat at the port of Cherbourg, Normandy region, France, 04 February 2021 (issued 05 February 2021). Brexit has triggered the direct transport of trucks between Ireland and France, trying to avoid the long bureaucratic procedures involved in entering and leaving British soil. The French city of Cherbourg saw in January 2021 the traffic of trucks leaving or entering on board ferries to Ireland tripled compared to the same month of 2020 (9,000 compared to 3,000), according to General Manager of Cherbourg Harbour Yannick Millet. Typically some 150,000 trucks use the so-called 'land bridge' each year to cross from Ireland to the mainland via the UK, said president of the West Normandy Chamber of Commerce for Industry Dominique Louzeau, and Cherbourg could capture around 20-25 percent of that volume, in addition to its regular traffic, among the carriers seeking to avoid stricter customs and sanitary controls. There are currently 15 weekly heavy vehicle ferry frequencies between Cherbourg and Ireland (the ports of Rosselare and Dublin), up from six in December 2020. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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