'Minari' Youn Yuh-jung dubbed as the frontrunner for the Oscars' Best Supporting Actress
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“Minari” is written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung based on his semi-autobiographical tale of a Korean American family moving to rural Arkansas in search of their own American dream. In the film, Youn portrays Soon-ja, a tough-talking but loving grandmother, who comes to the United States to babysit her grandson. The veteran actress who delivered an award-winning performance has so far won more than 20 awards for the role in the U.S., including at the National Board of Review.
“Minari” is listed in the top 3 Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screen Play and a top 5 Best Actor category.
[ㄏ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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