MS pro 2021. 1. 27. 22:02
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Al-Hattab coal production facility

epaselect epa08968164 A Palestinian worker shovels charcoal at Al-Hattab production facility near the border, in the Gaza Strip, 26 January 2021. Al-Hattab charcoal-making facility is the largest producer in the Gaza strip. Eight men work throughout the year, especially during winter and holiday periods when coal is in high demand. While workers cut down various types of trees, the citrus tree is very useful and the most expensive but the Al-Hattab workers don't focus on only one type of wood and work also with Elkinia and Olivewood. After harvesting the trees, workers shape the wood into a pyramid that is buried beneath the sand. The pyramid is set on fire, and it burns from the inside for several days. During this period, workers must control the burning by regularly moistening the pyramid with water. When the fire has subsided, the sand is cleared, leaving the burned wood exposed for 6 days. The workers are then able to harvest and clean the raw charcoal. The facility produces 80 to 90 tons of charcoal annually. At the end of the production process, customers can purchase bags of charcoal directly from the factory. One kilo is sold for US $ 1,50 on-site and US$2.50 in the markets. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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