Hanwha Solutions triples production of safe plastic material
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Hanwha Solutions said Monday it will triple production of the eco-friendly plastic material Eco-DEHCH to respond to a growing market demand.
According to the South Korean solar-to-chemical company, it has completed the expansion of its Eco-DEHCH facility in Ulsan, increasing the annual production capacity from 15,000 metric tons to maximum 65,000 tons. The expansion cost 45 billion won ($40.7 million).
Eco-DEHCH is a type of plasticizer, a substance added to a plastic to make it softer and more flexible. Compared to typical phthalate-based plasticizer, Eco-DEHCH is based on hydrogen, completely free of phthalate and harmful chemicals that act like hormones in human body.
“Phthalate plasticizer can potentially disrupt hormone functions and lead to atopy, asthma and reproductive organ problems. When exposed to the skin, it can trigger attention deficit hyperactivity disorders in teenagers and premature birth in pregnant women,” a Hanwha Solutions official said.
“However, Eco-DEHCH is completely free of phthalate and its safety has been certified by the US Food and Drug Administration. Also, it has been approved as a food packaging material in Europe.”
Due to the ongoing pandemic, demand for interior design and homeware has been on the rise, such as eco-friendly wallpapers, mattresses and toys for children. The global eco-friendly plasticizer market is expected to see an average annual growth of 6.3 percent and reach 2.22 million tons by 2023.
By Kim Byung-wook (kbw@heraldcorp.com)
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