LTL ase 2021. 1. 23. 01:08
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Elephant conservation project in Dak Lak

epa08958165 A handout photo made available by international organization Animals Asia shows Bun Kham, 50 years old (front) and Y Khun, 60 years old (back) play together in Yok Don national park, Buon Duon district, Dak Lak province, Vietnam 20 January 2021 (issued 22 January 2021). Bun Kham and Y Khun are two among six elephants for which Animals Asia has provided funds to let them roam free for the rest of their lives in the protected forest of the national park, instead of being used for work and entertainment such as elephant festivals, tourist rides, as a part of Animals Asia's program to improve animal welfare. According to the Vietnam Administration of Forestry, the total captive elephants are 88, while in Dak Lak the wild elephants are estimated around 80-100. EPA/MINH HOANG / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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