[Photo] Image of Seoulite giving jacket and gloves to homeless man goes viral
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A random act of kindness in Seoul has gone viral. In response to a homeless person asking for a cup of coffee on a freezing winter day, a Seoulite offered his coat and his gloves. An image of this act of kindness has inspired the online community to comment on how “touching” the scene is.
On Jan. 20, the Hankyoreh posted an image of an anonymous man offering his jacket and gloves to a homeless person on its Twitter feed. One user called the scene “heartwarming.” Another said that it inspired a moment of “self-reflection as a person who just busily passes homeless people by while feeling sorry for them.” In a similar vein, another user commented, “Would I have been able to do that? I feel embarrassed.”
The act of kindness took place on Jan. 18 in front of Seoul Station. A homeless man standing in the freezing cold asked a passerby for money to buy a cup of coffee. The anonymous Seoulite took off his jacket and gloves and gave them to the homeless man, in addition to a 50,000 won (US$45) bill, and took off.
By Kang Jae-gu, staff reporter
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