Samsung announces global launch of new SSD series
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Samsung Electronics Wednesday announced the global launch of its new consumer solid state drive series.
The 870 EVO SSD series will be available in around 40 countries, starting with South Korea and the US, according to the company.
Samsung Electronics’ new SATA solution, which features the company’s latest V-NAND and controller, allows maximum sequential read and write speeds of 560 and 530 megabytes per second, respectively.
It also boasts 38 percent faster read and write speeds over the previous 860 models. The latest SSD series’ random read and write speeds reach 98,000 and 88,000 input/output operations per second.
“Representing the culmination of our SATA SSD line, the new 870 EVO delivers a compelling mix of performance, reliability and compatibility for casual laptop and desktop PC users as well as network attached storage users,” said Lee Kyu-young, vice president of memory brand product business at Samsung Electronics.
Available in five different capacities, 250 gigabyte, 500GB, 1 terabyte, 2TB, and 4TB, the 870 EVO series is compatible with all computing devices that have 2.5-inch SATA interface connections.
The retail price of Samsung 870 EVO series starts at $49.99 for the 250GB model.
By Shim Woo-hyun (
<ⓒKoreaHerald(무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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