Won Buddhism appoints leader for centers in the Americas
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Won Buddhism announced Monday that it had appointed Juksan Hwang Do-gook as its new leader in the Americas.
Hwang’s appointment ceremony took place virtually on Jan. 13 with followers from 23 countries watching.
Hwang is the first leader in charge of Won Buddhism centers located outside South Korea, according to the religious group. The decision to appoint a leader outside Korea was reached as Won Buddhism found it necessary to have a leader who understands the local situation.
Hwang has served in diverse positions in Won Buddhism, having led its general affairs department, the broadcasting company WBS, and Won Buddhist centers in Seoul and South Gyeongsang Province.
Following his retirement, he moved to the US and continued educating local teachers of the religion.
Hwang will work mainly on expanding Won Buddhism teachings in the US.
Hwang’s official inauguration ceremony will be held Sept. 12 at the Won Dharma Center in New York. His term of office runs until 2024.
Won Buddhism is a Buddhist tradition established in Korea in 1916 by Sotaesan Park Joong-bin. According to Won Buddhism, Park envisioned a practice for all people and emphasized equality between the clergy and the laity, between women and men, and among all economic classes and races.
By Song Seung-hyun (ssh@heraldcorp.com)
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