[Eye Plus] Green refuge underground

2021. 1. 16. 16:06
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Cheongdam Station on Seoul Subway Line 7 in bustling southern Seoul offers an unlikely escape from pollution and the gray urban environment, reviving the original meaning of the name Cheongdam in a small section of the station.

The name Cheongdam means “clear pond,” and is said to have been given to the area for the Han River’s clear waters in the area. The modern-day revival of the clear pond takes the form of a 650-meter section of the subway station where plants, an artificial waterfall and sounds of nature have been added to create an area free from fine dust. 

Plants with air purifying qualities have been chosen for the underground garden, and smart-farming technologies are used to take care of the plants. The area is divided into three zones -- Ddeul, Mot and Byeot, meaning garden, pond and sunlight, respectively -- that offer a welcome break from city life.

Photos by Park Hyun-koo

Written by Choi He-suk

<ⓒKoreaHerald(www.koreaherald.com)무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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