No dial tone for 2G services on LG U+ starting in June

이지영 2021. 1. 15. 18:16
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LG U+ will shut down 2G services by the end of June, the company announced Friday.
The logo of LG U+ [LG U+]

LG U+ will shut down 2G services by the end of June, the company announced Friday.

The final date for the services will be determined after discussions with the government.

The carrier said it will help 2G users switch to LTE or 5G network services, including offering discounts on new phones or payment plans.

The ending of 2G jibes with the government’s policy to make all mobile phone numbers start with 010. 2G network equipment is starting to deteriorate, the company said, and not many 2G phones are made anymore.

In November, there were 374,000 subscribers to LG U+'s 2G service, according to data from the Ministry of Science and ICT. More than 60 percent were institutions that use 2G for internet of things (IoT) technology in their businesses for security and control purposes. Individual customers using 2G have dwindled.

An LG U+ spokesperson said the company will invest any freed-up resources into new areas, including improvements in 5G services and new services in augmented reality and virtual reality.


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