[Photo] S. Korea reports 513 new cases of COVID-19 on Jan. 15

한겨레 2021. 1. 15. 18:06
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Students looking to major in modern dance at Hansung University get their temperature checked before taking a practical exam on Jan. 14. (Yonhap News)

South Korea reported 513 new cases of COVID-19 on Jan. 15, the fourth consecutive day of the caseload falling in the 500s.

According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), 484 of the cases were domestic transmissions while the remaining 29 were from overseas. The country’s cumulative total is now 71,241.

The Seoul Capital Area accounted for 325 of the cases: 122 in Seoul, 180 in Gyeonggi Province, and 23 in Incheon.

Among the 29 cases from overseas, five were detected during airport screening procedures while the remaining 24 were confirmed while patients were in quarantine. Seven of the overseas cases were foreigners, and 22 were South Korean nationals.

The number of patients undergoing treatment or in quarantine decreased by 273 to 13,488. The number of patients in severe or critical condition decreased by six to 374. The cumulative death toll increased by 22 to 1,217.

By Choi Ha-yan, staff reporter

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