MR ag jak 2021. 1. 14. 23:30
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Suoimi Tyres makes studded spike winter tires for bicycles

epa08937289 Metal spikes are pressed into bicycle winter tires at the 'Suomi Tyres' factory in Lieksa, Finland, 01 December 2020 (issued 14 January 2021). Icy roads and snow-covered streets and bicycle riding are usually not related too close to each other ... unless the all-weather braving cyclist has his bike equipped with what motorists are required to put on their cars: Winter tires. And who would be more experienced to know about driving in harsh winter conditions than the Finns. Where the 'streets shine from the ice and the snow covers everything under a meter underneath for months each year', as the 'Suomi Tyres' company describes it on its website, their CEO Timo Väänänen and 20 employees in 2019 have revived a bankrupt old factory that is now producing studded and spiked winter tires for bicycles and E-bikes, reportedly as one of a few worldwide and as the only one in Scandinavia. The factory is located in Lieksa, not too far from the border to Russia, and so far sold its tires to some European countries. More countries in Europe as well as the US and Canada have also shown interest in their winter tires for bicycles. A total of 70,000 tires have been manufactured in 2020 and a production output of 100,000 is their aim for 2021. The tires are available in all common sizes for normal bicycles, as reinforced variants for E-bikes or mountain bikes and with either a rough winter profile or even with spikes for riding on ice.  EPA/MAURI RATILAINEN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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