Toshiba Introduces 5 New Groups of TXZ+™ Family Advanced Class Microcontrollers That Realize Low Power Consumption, Support System Cost Reduction and Motor Control
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TOKYO -- Businesswire -- Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (“Toshiba”) introduces five groups of new microcontrollers, which belong to the TXZ+™ family. The M4K, M4M, M4G, and M4N groups are based on the Arm Cortex-M4 core, and the M3H group is based on the Arm Cortex-M3 core. All groups offer low power consumption, suitable for a wide variety of applications such as motor control, connected IoT devices, leading-edge sensing functionalities, etc.
Engineering samples will start to ship in the fourth quarter of FY2020 (January to March 2021) and mass production will start in the second quarter of FY2021 (July to September 2021). Associated documentation, development tools and sample software will also be provided.
The advanced class has a maximum operating frequency of 200MHz, flash memory of max. 2MB and 12-bit analog-to-digital converters. They are equipped with application-focused peripherals such as high-efficiency motor control engines or rich connectivity interfaces.
Key Features
- Arm Cortex-M4 core M4K Group Motor control hardware, self-diagnosis function for home appliance functional safety standard IEC 60730 M4M Group Motor control hardware, CAN interface, self-diagnosis function for home appliance functional safety standard IEC 60730 M4G Group Maximum operating frequency of 200MHz, flash memory of max. 2MB, interfaces for high- speed communications, analog circuits for multiple sensor connections, high reliability firmware updating for secure processing M4N Group Maximum operating frequency of 200MHz, max. 2MB flash memory, various interfaces for IoT devices (sensing and communication), supporting high speed data transfers
- Arm Cortex-M3 core M3H Group Integrated LCD display function, self-diagnosis function for home appliance functional safety standard IEC 60730, high efficiency motor controls, system cost reduction by reducing BOM
To learn more about the Toshiba TXZ+ family advanced class, visit:
Click here for the introduction video.
* Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. * TXZ+™ is a trademark of Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation. * Other company names, product names, and service names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Customer Inquiries: System Devices Marketing Dept.II Multi Marketing Group II Tel: +81-3-3457-3465
* Information in this document, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current on the date of the announcement but is subject to change without prior notice.
About Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation combines the vigor of a new company with the wisdom of experience. Since becoming an independent company in July 2017, the company has taken its place among the leading general devices companies, and offers its customers and business partners outstanding solutions in discrete semiconductors, system LSIs and HDD.
Its 24,000 employees around the world share a determination to maximize the value of its products, and emphasize close collaboration with customers to promote co-creation of value and new markets. The company looks forward to building on annual sales now surpassing 750-billion yen (US$6.8 billion) and to contributing to a better future for people everywhere. Find out more about Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation at
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