KB Financial's Yoon wants company to become platform

김지희 2021. 1. 11. 19:56
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KB Financial Group Chairman Yoon Jong-kyoo said the group needs to change into a financial platform company during a group-wide business strategy meeting held online, the group said Monday.
KB Financial Group Chairman Yoon Jong-kyoo participates in the group's online business strategy meeting on Friday. [KB FINANCIAL GROUP]

KB Financial Group Chairman Yoon Jong-kyoo said the group needs to change into a financial platform company during a group-wide business strategy meeting held online, the group said Monday.

Some 240 top managers and executives of KB companies participated in the videoconference, connecting roughly 60 physical offices online.

"We need to shift to a digital organization and become a financial platform company," Yoon said.

Heads of major financial groups in the country have already emphasized that owning leadership in the financial platform business has become ever more important, especially to compete with big tech companies like Naver and Kakao, which have jumped into the financial sector.

Becoming the No.1 financial platform in the country is one of KB Financial Group's major goals for the year, along with expanding global business and taking leadership in terms of environmental, social and corporate governance standards.

BY KIM JEE-HEE [kim.jeehee@joongang.co.kr]

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