Director Im Sang-soo to take helm of new Hollywood movie 'Soho Sins'

이선민 2021. 1. 11. 17:11
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Film director Im Sang-soo will take the helm of new Hollywood movie "Soho Sins," co-produced by American company 2W Network and Korean company Yeolmae Entertainment.
Film director Im Sang-soo. [ILGAN SPORTS]

Film director Im Sang-soo will take the helm of new Hollywood movie “Soho Sins,” co-produced by American company 2W Network and Korean company Yeolmae Entertainment.

The movie based on the novel of the same title by Richard Vine, managing editor of globally renowned art magazine “Art in America” tells stories from the New York art scene. The novel, which has also been translated into Korean, reveals the dark side of the glamorous scene through the murder of a wife from an art aficionado couple.

The script of the 33-billion-won ($30 million) budget film is currently being written. Filming is expected to start in the second half of this year.

The director, best known for his 2010 film “The Housemaid,” had his most recent work “Heaven” invited to the Cannes Film Festival last year, which was canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The Housemaid” was invited to the same festival in 2010 as well as “The Taste of Money” in 2012.


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