ITOCHU Announces a Message to the World in 21 Languages Wishing Happiness to People Around the World
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TOKYO -- Businesswire -- ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Yoshihisa Suzuki, President & COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) is displaying projection mapped images on the wall of its Tokyo Head Office for three days from Saturday, January 9 to Monday, January 11, 2021. (The display is also being livestreamed on YouTube.)
The COVID-19 pandemic that has continued causing distress since last year has not yet slowed. Given this situation, ITOCHU, a company that supports people's everyday lives, is delivering a message to the world in 21 languages, to reflect the year 2021, hoping to express shared wishes for a brighter and more promising new year with as many people as possible around the world.
Outline of the projection mapped display:
Time and date: Saturday, January 9 to Monday, January 11, 2021
6PM to 6:40PM (JST) : ITOCHU's original contents (in 21 languages)
6:40PM to 8PM (JST) : Public message on the COVID-19 disaster (in 4 languages)
Venue: The images will be projected on the wall on the ITOCHU Garden side (Gaien Icho Namiki side) of ITOCHU’s Tokyo Head Office
Livestream URL: Sunday, January 10 -
Monday, January 11 -
The projection mapped display is being livestreamed on the following websites.
Official YouTube channel
Official photo data URL:
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출처:ITOCHU Corporation
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