PLUXITY to Launch Smart Building Management Platform 'PLUG-platform'
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PLUXITY, the company possessing the source technology for digital twin, which was utilized in Seoul City, Busan City, Incheon International Airport, and a newly built city in Turkmenistan, will launch its latest smart building management platform called 'PLUG-platform.'
An official of PLUXITY said, "As the interest in the smart city is heightening, the reputation of our technology is rising. We will do our best in accelerating R&D activities so that our digital twin technology can play an important role in smart building projects across the world."
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PLUXITY, the company possessing the source technology for digital twin, which was utilized in Seoul City, Busan City, Incheon International Airport, and a newly built city in Turkmenistan, will launch its latest smart building management platform called ‘PLUG-platform.’
PLUG-platform is an integrated control solution for smart buildings based on 3D virtualization modeling. By integrating controls of all building functionalities such as lightings, environmental sensors, and electric power, as well as closed-circuit TVs and access control devices, the platform allows operators to supervise everything on a 3D map, thereby assisting quick view and decision-making of the high-level manager.
An official of PLUXITY said, “As the interest in the smart city is heightening, the reputation of our technology is rising. We will do our best in accelerating R&D activities so that our digital twin technology can play an important role in smart building projects across the world.”
PLUXITY was selected as one of the best-performing companies in the second annual World Smart City Week in 2018 and received an award from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. On June 23, 2020, the company signed an agreement with Hoban Construction to invest in digital twin technology and work together to develop it further.
Digital twin is a new technology to “copy” a city, product, factory, or building in digital forms so that the copy can be used to prevent disasters and improve productivity. It is a paradigm-shifting technology that was selected as one of the top-ten Korean New Deal projects announced in 2020.
For more information on the PLUG-platform, please visit the website of PLUXITY.
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