340 Korean tech firms take part in 2021 CES

2021. 1. 10. 15:27
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(LG Electronics)

South Korea would be the biggest participating country after the United States at this year’s CES, with more than 300 tech companies set to exhibit their latest products and technologies.

The event’s organizer, Consumer Technology Association, said Sunday that as many as 340 firms from South Korea would be taking part in 2021 CES, which kicks off Monday, making Korea the second-biggest participating country after the host nation which will have 567 companies taking part.

A total of 1,951 firms are participating in the first all-digital CES, half the number from last year, due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

China used to be the second-biggest country after the US in the number of participating countries, but its presence has decreased there due to the US-China trade dispute.

The Korean companies include tech giants like Samsung and LG, as well as smaller firms and startups.

One of the themes brought by Korea this year is “homeconomy,” a newly coined term that combines home and economy after the COVID-19 outbreak.

LG Electronics said Sunday it has themed its virtual exhibition as, “Life is ON – Make yourself @ Home,” to introduce home appliances and solutions that would make consumers’ lives at home easier and more convenient in the pandemic era.

The online exhibition will be held for five weeks.

Samsung is also focused on improving everyday life with the main theme of “Better normal for all.”

Both Samsung and LG would also draw global attention as the two Korean tech titans are scheduled to debut new smartphones during the tech world’s biggest event.

While Samsung is set to unveil its flagship Galaxy S21 series Thursday, LG is expected to take the wraps off the world’s first rollable display smartphone during its CES press conference Monday. 

(GS Caltex)

Refining company GS Caltex will join the CES for the first time this year to introduce its vision for the future of the energy industry.

Amid its efforts to transform from a petrochemical and refining company into an energy and mobility business, GS Caltex plans to showcase a future gas station, dubbed “Energy+ Hub” that combines conventional gas pumps, electric vehicle chargers and other facilities.

Auto parts maker Mando will also be the first-time participant this year.

The company will present its award-winning Steer-by-Wire, known as sbW, which is a free-mounted type advanced steering system whose electric signal replaces mechanical movements.

Some 186 startups will get the chance to join the event through government support.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and Ministry of SMEs and Startups will each run a digital exhibition to promote small tech firms and startups from Monday through Thursday.

By Song Su-hyun (song@heraldcorp.com)

<ⓒKoreaHerald(www.koreaherald.com)무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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