LG unveils bigger, advanced OLED TVs for 2021
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LG Electronics on Sunday unveiled its full lineup of TVs for 2021, including the first 83-inch organic light-emitting diode TV model with advanced self-emissive lights, to cement its leadership in the growing OLED TV market.
Dubbed “OLED evo,” the new model features an upgraded OLED panel that boasts better contrast ratios and picture quality due to improved lights.
It marks the third advancement in LG’s OLED TV technology since its launch in 2013. LG announced 4K High Dynamic Range OLED in 2015 and 8K OLED in 2019.
The company will release the first 83-inch OLED model this year, projecting that the size of the global OLED TV market would double from last year.
LG will have a total of seven OLED TV models that are over 70 inches this year, up from four last year.
This year, all OLED TV models will use panels that reach 100 percent in color fidelity, certified by Intertek, the company said.
Along with the OLED lineup, LG is offering an enhanced lineup of liquid crystal display TVs, including the NanoCell and QNED Mini LED.
The company announced the new QNED Mini LED model late last year, describing it as the most advanced LCD TV technology that uses about 30,000 LEDs and 2,500 dimming blocks for an 8K model.
It plans to release 10 QNED TV models including 4K and 8K globally this year.
LG also said it has strengthened the Alpha 9 processor by developing the fourth generation edition for 2021 models.
The latest chip has adopted a deep learning algorithm developed through analyzing more than 1 million clips of video data and 17 million files of voice data, which would upgrade the TV’s graphic and data processing capabilities overall.
The 8K OLED TV will feature the 8K-specialized Alpha 9 processor, the company said.
LG has updated its TV software platform to better provide customized content for individual users.
The webOS 6.0 will offer sport games alert, instant item search and shopping for models to be released in select countries.
By Song Su-hyun (song@heraldcorp.com)
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