MDA bjw 2021. 1. 9. 18:36
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epa08927585 We expect to move pictures on the following news, entertainment and sports items on the epa network - Saturday, 09 January 2021:


WORLD: Coronavirus, Covid-19 developments

AUSTRALIA: Rally calling for freedom for refugees detained at Carlton Hotel

BHANDARA: 10 Babies Killed In Maharashtra Hospital Fire

QUETTA: Burial of Pakistani coalminers

KOLKATA: Preparations for Ganga Sagar Mela is an annual gathering of Hindu pilgrims on Sagar Island.

MANILA: Feast of the Black Nazarene in Manila

BISHKEK: Early presidential election and constitutional referendum

THE NETHERLANDS: Online party congress CDA and FVD

LONDON: Anti Vaxx demo in London

GLASGOW: Met Office issue weather warnings (Beast from the East II)

PALERMO: Salvini at Open Arms trial court hearing

SAUDI ARABIA/QATAR/UAE: Borders reopened

TARHUNA: Personal objects of victims of Mass grave

MONROVIA: Construction business developments

WASHINGTON: White House coverage

BRAZIL: Preparations for the vaccination campaign against coronavirus

MEXICO: Coronavirus pandemic overcrowds hospitals


MANILA: Feast of the Black Nazarene in Manila

WARSAW: Metro stations nominated for the European Union award Mies van der Rohe


EUROPE: Soccer various European premiership league and cup matches

ST. ANTON: Alpine Skiing World Cup Women

ADELBODEN: Alpine Skiing World Cup Men

LONDON: FA Cup 3rd round Arsenal vs Newcastle

MANCHESTER: FA Cup 3rd round Manchester United vs Watford

SIGULDA: Luge World Cup

TITISEE-NEUSTADT: Ski Jumping World Cup

WINTERBERG: Bobsleigh World Cup

SAUDI ARABIA: Rally Dakar 2021

WASHINGTON DC: NFL play-off Washington vs Tamba Bay


B. Wenz

editorial@epa.eu EPA/DSK

☞ 이승엽도 라소다 전 다저스 감독 추모…무슨 인연?
☞ 미 의회폭동 잔혹상 공개…짓눌린 경찰은 피를 토했다
☞ "제설제도 떨어졌는데 또 운행하라고" 기사가 제설차량 불 내
☞ 학원 영업제한 풀자 편법운영…"한 반 60여명 수업에 급식"
☞ "트럼프, 의회폭동 때 의원들에 '대선 뒤집자' 전화 돌렸다"
☞ 펠로시 책상에 발올리고 웃던 의회난입 60대 결국…
☞ 아카데미상 받은 영화 '로마' 촬영지 주택 매물로 나와
☞ '한국 음료'에 빠진 캄보디아…3년새 수입 8배로 늘어
☞ "조재현에 성폭행 피해" 주장 여성, 3억 손배소 패소
☞ '개는 훌륭하다' 강형욱 출연료 제대로 못받아

▶연합뉴스 앱 지금 바로 다운받기~

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