[Photo] S. Korea hit by severe cold wave from Arctic

한겨레 2021. 1. 8. 17:46
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The Han River is frozen on the morning of Jan. 7. (photos by Kim Myoung-jin)

A severe cold snap hit South Korea on Jan. 7. Cold air from the Arctic swept across the Korean Peninsula, forming snow clouds even in the southern regions. Areas ill-equipped to handle snow couldn’t clear their roads of ice and snow, resulting in severe traffic congestion. Temperatures across the country peaked at -10 degrees Celsius before plummeting to as low as -18 in the early hours of Jan. 8. The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) issued a heavy snow warning for Jeju Island and the Honam region. The freezing temperatures are expected to persist through the weekend.

A snowman in Seoul’s Banpo Hangang Park on the morning of Jan. 7
People playing in the snow

By Kim Myoung-jin, staff photographer

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