Hyundai Motor in talks with Apple to make Apple Car
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Hyundai Motor Group confirmed Friday that it was in negotiations with Apple to manufacture an Apple Car.
“The negotiations are in the early stages, but nothing has been decided, including whether Hyundai Motor will supply auto parts or manufacture the whole car,” a Hyundai Motor official said.
Apple is said to be in talks with automakers, including Hyundai, to avoid the costs of developing battery technology and establishing production facilities.
Hyundai Motor and sister company Kia Motors have production facilities in the US. Also, at 2020 CEO Investor Day in December, Albert Biermann, the head of R&D at Hyundai Motor, revealed that the company was developing next-generation solid-state batteries and would test-launch them in 2025.
The Apple Car is set for release in 2027.
By Kim Byung-wook (
<ⓒKoreaHerald(무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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