Andersen Global Strengthens Caribbean Platform with Belize-Based Law Firm
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Andersen Global Chairman and Andersen CEO Mark Vorsatz added, "With the addition of another high-quality collaborating firm in the region, we continue to exemplify our commitment to and focus on expanding our organization's presence to meet our clients' needs in a seamless manner. Christopher and his team bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, and are another key addition to our existing Caribbean platform."
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SAN FRANCISCO -- Businesswire -- Andersen Global adds depth to its Caribbean footprint through a Collaboration Agreement with Courtenay Coye LLP in Belize.
The firm, established in 2005, has three locations in Belize City, Placencia, and San Pedro. With expertise in tax planning and trusts, the team provides legal services to a broad range of clients locally and internationally including private clients, corporations and banks. Additionally, the full-service firm advises clients on civil litigation, commercial and corporate, real estate, intellectual property and contracts matters with a focus on agriculture, tourism and banking.
“Our transparency and commitment to stewardship complements our industry expertise and understanding of the evolving market so we are able to provide our clients with best-in-class solutions,” Managing Partner Christopher Coye said. “This collaboration allows us to strengthen our current capabilities and expand our reach more broadly, while reinforcing our firm’s competitive edge in Belize as well as globally.”
Andersen Global Chairman and Andersen CEO Mark Vorsatz added, “With the addition of another high-quality collaborating firm in the region, we continue to exemplify our commitment to and focus on expanding our organization’s presence to meet our clients’ needs in a seamless manner. Christopher and his team bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, and are another key addition to our existing Caribbean platform.”
Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 6,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 229 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.
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출처:Andersen Global
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