S. Korea reports 583 COVID-19 cases, highest number in 8 months

한겨레 2020. 11. 26. 18:16
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An army facility in Incheon County, Gyeonggi Province, is blocked off on Nov. 25 after 60 enlisted trainees tested positive for COVID-19. (Yonhap News)

South Korea reported 583 new cases of COVID-19 on Nov. 26, the most cases the country has seen in eight months. The last time the daily caseload was so high was on Mar. 2, when 600 cases were reported amid an infection cluster in the southeastern city of Daegu.

According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), 553 of the new cases were domestic infections, while the remaining 30 came from abroad. South Korea’s cumulative total of COVID-19 cases is now 32,318.

Among the 553 domestic cases, 402 occurred within the Seoul Capital Area (SCA). The 30 imported cases included 12 identified during airport screenings and 18 diagnosed during quarantine; 14 were Korean nationals and 16 were foreigners.

The number of people in quarantine or undergoing treatment increased by 456 to total 4,853. The number of cumulative deaths increased by two to 515.

By Suh Hye-mi, staff reporter

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