AND AP moa 2020. 6. 19. 20:04
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World refugee day in Jordan

epa08495346 The about ninety years old Palestinian refugee Halima Abdehadi Mhamed, looks on near her house, in the Baqa'a Palestinian refugee urban camp, near Amman, Jordan, 18 June 2020 (issued 19 June 2020). She is originally from Dhekrein near Hebron in what used to be Palestine, she left her village with her family to flee violence first in 1948 then moved again three times more, always further towards Jordan, until they reached the Baqa'a Palestinian refugee urban camp after the 1967 flair of violence. She worked as a farmer and has no direct family. The World Refugee Day is marked on 20 June. World Refugee Day is marked annually on 20 June. According to the UNHCR, more and more refugees today live in urban settings outside refugee camps. Some crises have lasted so long that the tent camps became built-up urban areas. While some refugees depend on international help through NGOs, others start a new life, changing everything from occupation, to social status, to adapt to their new realities. EPA/ANDRE PAIN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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