DL 2020. 5. 23. 18:45
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Milan's city government pays tribute to anti-mafia judge Falcone on 28th anniversary of his assassination

epa08438771 A city employee hoists the flag of the European Union (EU) on the balcony of the Palazzo Marino before the unfurling of an artwork paying homage to the famous anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone on the 28th anniversary of his assassination, in Milan, northern Italy, 23 May 2020. Falcone was murdered, along with his wife Francesca Morvillo (who was also a magistrate) and three police escort officers, in the 1992 Capaci bombing on Sicily's Highway A29 that was orchestrated by the island's Cosa Nostra. Falcone rose to prominence by relentlessly prosecuting Mafiosi and their money-laundering activities from his office in Palermo, culminating in the landmark 1986-87 Maxi Trial that saw 338 people convicted. His assassination, along with the killing of his close friend and colleague Paolo Borsellino a few months later, sent shockwaves throughout Italy and the world, weakening the Cosa Nostra's image and giving rise to anti-mafia sentiment across the country. EPA/MATTEO BAZZI

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