FA ukit 2020. 4. 30. 22:36
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Captain Moore 100th birthday

epa08393471 A handout photo made available by Capture The Light Photography shows former British Army Officer, Colonel Tom Moore during the celebration of his 100th birthday and a gesture of appreciation for his fundraising achievements for the NHS at his home in Bedfordshire, Britain, 30 April 2020. Captain Tom Moore, a former British Army Officer, has been promoted to the rank of Colonel on his 100th Birthday. The Second World War Veteran was given Her Majesty The Queen?s royal assent to be made Honorary Colonel Army Foundation Collage Harrogate. Colonel Tom Moore recently raised 29 million pounds for NHS Charities by walking in laps around his garden. His target was to complete 100 laps before his 100th Birthday, which he achieved 14 days ahead of schedule. His new target is to complete 200 laps. EPA/EMMA SOHL / CAPTURE THE LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY / HANDOUT This image is for Editorial use purposes only. EDITORIAL USE/NO SALES. Credit should read.Emma Sohl/Capture the Light Photography HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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