DC UKIT 2019. 12. 23. 23:46
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Two female gorillas from Dutch zoo arrive at Taipei Zoo for mating

epa08088248 Iriki, an 8-year-old female gorilla from Apeneul Primate Park in the Netherlands, at the Taipei Zoo in Taipei, Taiwan, 23 December 2019. Under a European Union conservation programme, two female gorillas from Apenheul Primate Park in the Nehterlands have arrived at the Taipei Zoo to breed and to increase the genetic diversity of the population. The Taipei Zoo has one male gorilla, D'Jeeco, while the Apenheul Primate Park has a group of female gorillas and a male gorilla Pau Pau which arrived from the Taipei Zoo in March. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed western lowland gorilla as critically endangered. EPA/DAVID CHANG

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