2019. 11. 4. 23:59
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Llama shepherds Heidi and Peter fend off predators

epa07972090 Male llama named Peter guards a flock of sheep in their enclosure, in Toesens, 560 kilometers west of Vienna, Austria 28 October 2019 (issued 04 November 2019). Thomas Schranz, a 47-year-old nomadic sheep farmer, uses two llamas, one male named Peter and one female named Heidi, two Turkish Kangal shepherd dogs and electric fences for 'active herd management' and protect his ovine herds against attacks from wolves and other potential predators. The llamas, which can weigh up to 150 kilograms and stand two meters tall, disrupt wolves' hunting instincts by standing along the fence. DNA analysis has shown that migrating wolves from South Tyrol, Italy, and Switzerland have killed several sheep in western Tyrol. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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