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epa07753478 An extremely rare Pink Meanie jellyfish on display at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa 02 August 2019. The Pink Meanie was discovered during a nightlight jellyfish dive by the Two Oceans Aquarium collections team in the waters around Robben Island and in Cape Town Harbour. It is extremely rare to find them in the waters around the Cape all other types that have been discovered inhabit warm waters like the Mexican coast and the Mediterranean. Pink Meanies are jellyvorous, meaning they feed on other jelly species by reeling them in with their long tentacles. Discovering the Pink Meanie in its early ephyra stage meant the team could study its growth rate which turned out to be very quick as it grew to the metaephyra stage in about a week and a half. The Mexican pink meanie (Drymonema larsoni) was only discovered in the year 2000. A Mediterranean relative, known as the Big Pink Jellyfish (Drymonema dalmatinum) has been known to science since the 1800s but when spotted in 2014 it had been almost 70 years since the last sighting. These jellies are incredibly rare and this new South African species is no exception. EPA/NIC BOTHMA
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