WADA Meeting

2018. 11. 14. 23:40
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FILE - In this June 5, 2018, file photo, World Anti-Doping Agency athlete committee chairperson Beckie Scott attends at a news conference following the agency's first Global Athlete Forum in Calgary. The World Anti-Doping Agency found no evidence that athletes’ representative Beckie Scott was bullied at a recent meeting but that more people need to be interviewed to determine what really happened that day. Scott's bullying allegation has dominated much of the global anti-doping conversation since she revealed it last month, saying she was mistreated at a September meeting at which WADA's executive committee reinstated Russia's suspended anti-doping agency. The committee met again Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, this time in Baku, Azerbaijan, and received word that while investigators found there was no evidence found that the bullying had taken place, they'd like to interview more people. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP, File)

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