[2018 Inter-Korean summit] 'Reunification perfume' launched to commemorate inter-Korean summit
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South Korea’s Unification Ministry has launched a set of perfumes called “reunification perfume” to commemorate the first inter-Korean summit in 11 years.
The perfumes are being featured at the “In Search of Lost Time: The Scent of NORTHalgia Exhibit” at the main press center for the summit at KINTEX Goyang, Gyeonggi Province.
The five perfumes were designed to recreate the nostalgic sentiments of Koreans separated by the Korean War, according to the ministry.
The five scents include — “The Scent of Hamgyeongnamdo, Haedanghwa (rugose rose), “The Scent of Hamgyeongdo, Summer Raspberry,” “The Scent of Pyeongannamdo, Daedonggang, Pine Needle” and “The Scent of Hwanghaedo, Haeju, The Sea.”
The perfume exhibit will be held at the Odusan Unification Observatory at Paju, Gyeonggi Province.
By Sohn Ji-young (jys@heraldcorp.com)
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