2018. 3. 18. 15:59
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Male gorilla at Taipei Zoo will go to the Netherlands to breed

epa06611525 A handout photo made available by the Taipei Zoo shows Pao Pao, a 33-year-old male western lowland gorilla originally from Cameroon, in its enclosure at the Taipei Zoo in Taipei, Taiwan, 18 March 2018. Under a European Union conservation programme, on 19 March, Pao Pao will be sent to the Apenheul Primate Park in the Netherlands in March to breed and to increase the genetic diversity of the population. The Taipei Zoo has two male gorillas including Pao Pao, while the Apenheul Primate Park only has a group of female gorillas. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed western lowland gorilla as critically endangered. EPA/TAIPEI ZOO / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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