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epa06047978 Mrs Kouaye Nathalie readies the millet for the preparation of the the Dolo at the Mrs Kouaye Nathalie cabaret in Koumassi an area of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 24 June 2017. Kouaye Nathalie 50 years old has been working as Dolotiere for around 35 years she learned the trade with her mother. The Dolo is an indigenous traditional beer made in West Africa (Cote D'Ivoire, Burkina Faso), from cereals. The Dolo is produced in northern Cote D'Ivoire and southern Burkina Faso. In Cote D'Ivoire it is consumed by the Senoufo, the Lobi and the Koulango Ethnie living in the North. In Cote D'Ivoire, a variant of the Dolo is made with corn and is drunk sugary.
It is preserved in canaries, and is drunk in calabashes. The dolo is drunk in 'cabarets' found in markets. It is served in calabashes by the one who makes it, called 'dolotiere', this trade being exclusively feminine.
The dolo must be drunk during the day because the fermentation continues. The next day, in general, he becomes too strong. Modernized agro-food production trials in Abidjan have been successful, but consumption remains very minor. The Dolo's price is 0.38 euros (CFAF 250) in Cote D'Ivoire. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA
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