'K-pop Star 6's Kriesha Tiu to debut on May 24
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Kriesha Tiu, a contestant on the SBS competition show “K-pop Star 6,” is set to make her solo debut on May 24, according to the singer’s agency Urban Works Entertainment.
“Tiu will put an end mark on her two years of training and release her first album on May 24. Please send your warm support to the singer who embarks on a new career in Korea,” said an agency official.
In a promo photo for the upcoming album accompanied by the news, Tiu wears a flowery blouse, shyly covering her face with her hand.
Before appearing on the show, the Filipino-American contestant, whose vocals were well received on the audition program, was a trainee at the agency. Tiu came in second place with her teammates Kim So-hee and Kim Hye-rim, under a group named KWINS.
By Hong Dam-young (lotus@heraldcorp.com)
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