NCH Korea runs the "User Experience Group for Diesel Additives" targeting fishermen

2017. 4. 19. 11:07
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"Our Diesel Mate All Seasons and other products for lubrication, short circuit prevention, dehumidification, metal and plumbing maintenance were recognized for their performance. These are purchased not only by National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives but also by organizations in various industries all over the world. In particular, they are functionally qualified as solutions for vessel management," said Dong-Eun Kim, country manager of NCH Korea. He added "Starting with the user experience group for diesel performance improver, NCH will continue to introduce various products and solutions for lubrication and cleaning so that fishermen can efficiently manage their vessels."

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NCH Korea announced today that it ran the “User Experience Group for Diesel Additives” to support safe operation and efficient management of vessels owned by fishermen in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do.

NCH Korea signed a contract with National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives for systematic goods purchase. NCH has been providing vessel management products for improving vessel fuel performance, short circuit prevention, anti-rust, dehumidification and maintenance. NCH is now registered as a contracted partner for systematic goods purchase from the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives. NCH provides △Diesel Mate All Seasons, a fuel additive, △System Purge, an engine cleaner, △Lubrease, an anti-rust additive and lubricant for chain and wire rope, △Yield Aerosol, a product for penetration, lubrication and anti-rust, △NC-123 Plus Aerosol, a product for short circuit prevention and dehumidification, △Quick Cure, an easy-to-use solution to repair metals, △Wrap It Up, a high-performance plumbing repairing tape, and △Premalube Xtreme, a high-performance, multi-purpose grease for sea water.

NCH Korea ran the “User Experience Group for Diesel Additives” to let vessel owners and fishermen in Mokpo experience the performance of a vessel lubricator by the on-site support of lubrication professionals. The user experience group are experts in diesel additives, and injected it into the active vessel twice a month, and have reviewed the change in performance before and after injecting the diesel additives.

“I own a driftnet vessel of 60 tons. While participating in the user experience group, I injected 12,000 liters of diesel, and 12 liters of NCH’s Diesel mate all seasons,” said Young-ok Kim, captain of The Jinyoung, who participated in the user experience group for diesel additives. He expressed satisfaction by saying “after using Diesel mate, smoke was reduced by 80%. I could feel that noise and vibration were reduced, and felt the engine was running smoother. Engine power has improved, therefore, I expect fuel saving in the long term.”

You may find user reviews and interviews of the experience group in the following link:

**About Diesel mate all seasons: NCH’s Diesel mate all seasons is an innovative diesel fuel additive for diesel engines. It reduces the exhaustion of NO2 and CO2 , therefore reducing air pollution. It reduces engine repair cost by improving heat efficiency of equipment using diesel. It improves cetane number by 15%, and prolongs engine life and reduces exhaust gas, by preventing rust of facilities with its bactericide and rust and corrosion inhibitor.

NCH Korea plans to provide customized products and services by collecting and analyzing various data related to lubrication from fisheries. NCH will also continue to hold educational seminars, sharing various cases of lubrication management to support fishermen and improve efficiency of vessel management, and ultimately to improve profit.

“Our Diesel Mate All Seasons and other products for lubrication, short circuit prevention, dehumidification, metal and plumbing maintenance were recognized for their performance. These are purchased not only by National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives but also by organizations in various industries all over the world. In particular, they are functionally qualified as solutions for vessel management,” said Dong-Eun Kim, country manager of NCH Korea. He added “Starting with the user experience group for diesel performance improver, NCH will continue to introduce various products and solutions for lubrication and cleaning so that fishermen can efficiently manage their vessels.”

이 뉴스는 기업·기관이 발표한 보도자료 전문입니다.


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