2017. 3. 7. 23:40
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Meeting of Visegrad Group heads of parliament in Warsaw

epa05834641 Polish Sejm (lower house) Speaker Marek Kuchcinski (3-L), Polish Senate Speaker Stanislaw Karczewski (3-R), Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Hamacek (L), President of the Senate of the Czech Republic Milan Stech (R), Speaker of the Slovak National Council Andrej Danko (2-R), Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary Laszlo Kover (2-L) stand during a press conference after a meeting of the Visegrad Group (V4) heads of parliament in Warsaw, Poland, 07 March 2017. The meeting was held to discuss the European Union's future and developing V4 parliamentary cooperation. EPA/JACEK TURCZYK POLAND OUT

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