CJ Cheil Jedang begins mass-production of amino acid cystine
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Cystine is a key material of cysteine, a functional amino acid, and it helps form healthy hair, skin and nails. Cysteine is also used as an amino acid to make meat seasoning powder, bread additive and pet food. The worldwide market is valued at about 100 billion won ($85.5 million) now but its growth potential is significant with various applications in food and medical areas.
CJ Cheil Jedang invested 2 billion won into research of cysteine and successfully formulated it using crude and grape sugar. The company will refine and process cystine at Chinese amino acid maker Ningbo Zhenhai Haide Biochem acquired by CJ Cheil Jedang in March, and roll out cysteine and its amino-acid derivatives. The company anticipates about 15 billion won in sales from cystine production next year.
With the addition of cystine, CJ Cheil Jedang completed its business line-up to produce more than 40 types of functional amino acids and amino acid derivatives.
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