2015. 12. 21. 22:33
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Thousands of migrant workers flock to brick factories in Nepal

epa05078050 A young Nepalese boy works at a brick factory in Lalitpur, Nepal, 21 December 2015. Thousands of Indian and Nepali seasonal migrant laborers arrive to work at brick factories around the Kathmandu valley each year during the winter and spring seasons. Some such as young laborers are forced by poverty to leave education to work at the factories. This year the demand for bricks is high in Kathmandu after more than 30 million houses were damaged due to the April Earthquake. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA

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▶연합뉴스 앱 지금 바로 다운받기~

<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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