Germany Plane Crash
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German chancellor Angela Merkel, second left, stands next to school director Ulrich Wessel, left, North-Rhine Westphalia education minister Sylvia Loehrmann , center, mayor Bodo Klimpel, second right, and student representative, Johanna Koenig, right, as she speaks to students in front of the Joseph-Koenig high school in Haltern, Germany, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015. Chancellor Angela Merkel is visiting the high school that lost 16 students and two teachers in the Germanwings plane crash in Marchwhen they were on their way home from an exchange trip to Spain when Flight 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf crashed into the French Alps on March 24, killing all 150 people aboard. Prosecutors believe the co-pilot intentionally crashed the plane.(AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
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