2015. 6. 20. 22:45
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Commemoration of Polish troops interned in Switzerland in 1940

epa04810499 Polish soldiers as well as war veterans and political dignitaries of the region, with Colonel Wlodzimierz Cieszkowski (2-L), Maciej Jankowski, Polish Under-Secretary of State of the ministry of national Defense (C) and Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, minister of the Swiss Canton of Jura (R) hold a service on the cemetery of Damprichard to remember the 2nd Rifle Division of the Polish Army, defeated 75 years ago, in Damprichard, France, 20 June 2015. Some 12,000 Polish soldiers were interned in Switzerland after they escaped from German Wehrmacht troops overran French and Polish troops fighting alongside in World War II on 20 and 21 June 1940. EPA/ALESSANDRO DELLA VALLE

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