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epa03979373 A makeshift memorial for the late South African leader Nelson Mandela is seen at the 1987 sculpture 'Free Nelson Mandela' at Piedmont Park in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 06 December 2013. The sculpture was created by David Hammons before Mandela's release from prison. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela died at age 95, in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 05 December 2013. A former lawyer, Mandela was the first black President of South Africa voted into power after the countries first free and fair democratic elections that witnessed the end of the Apartheid system in 1994. Mandela was founding member of the ANC (African National Congress) and anti-apartheid activist who served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island. In South Africa, Mandela is often known as Tata Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan. Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER
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