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epa03761278 An image dated 15 June 2013 showing an Indian man working at the garbage landfills in Gazipur, New Delhi, India, 15 June 2013. Environmental groups and news reports say Indian capital Delhi could well be buried in its own waste in the coming years as the metropolis is generating far more garbage than it is discarding. The garbage crisis is expected to soon reach the tipping point as three of the four landfills have long been exhausted and due for closure. There are no new landfills available to accommodate Delhi's daily waste output of 9,000 tonnes. According to local media, in the not so distant future, 2,500 garbage dumps across the city will start overflowing and garbage will spill on the streets. It is estimated that Delhi is able to dispose of and recycle only 62 per cent of its solid waste as compared to Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai, that process 86 per cent, 85 per cent and 80 per cent of their waste, respectively. All forms of rubbish is brought at the land-fills without exception, there is no garbage separation. This includes, inorganic waste, food, dead animals, cans, glass, metals, trash from demolitions, and also infectious biowaste. New Delhi needs an additional area of 28 square kilometres to dispose 15,000 tonnes of garbage daily. Planners are also worried at the emerging challenge, as 85 per cent of the city does not have a door-to-door trash pick-up system. The city's non-dumping options are also rather limited. Burning waste is no longer feasible because of environmental concerns. Delhi's situation is representative of Indian cities as late last year, India's IT capital, Bangalore faced a similar crisis with residents holding protests against the inability of the civic authorities unable to clean garbage overflowing in the city areas. EPA/HARISH TYAGI
☞ 4대중증질환 필수치료 2016년까지 모두 건강보험 적용 ☞ 국방부 "연예병사 운영 잘못드러나면 폐지 검토"(종합) ☞ 황교안 "필요하면 남재준 소환 조사" ☞ < 美야구 > 류현진, 30일 사이영상 수상자 리와 선발 대결 ☞ 문재인 "NLL 포기했다는 왜곡은 외눈박이 식 사고" ▶ 연합뉴스 모바일앱 다운받기▶ 인터랙티브뉴스
< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >
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