2013. 3. 21. 21:27
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epa03634194 A photograph released by the United Nation Mission in Darfur on 21 March 2013, shows Kariya Mohamed Abbakar, a 50 year old woman arriving with jerrycans full of water from the nearest water point, at her shelter in the Abu Shouk camp for internally displaced persons (IDP), Darfour, Sudan, 19 March 2013. The water point is a long walk from her shelter in the camp. Because of the labor involved and the cost of the water, she and her family must limit their consumption of water to 80 liters per week, while a typical person in a developed nation elsewhere in the world would use, on average, 400 liters of water per day. World Water Day is commemorated annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of fresh water and advocating for the sustainable management of fresh water resources. Each year, those who commemorate World Water Day do so under a specific theme, with this year's theme being to reflect on the International Year of Water Cooperation. EPA/UNAMID HANDOUT/ALBERT GONZALEZ F HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES 北, 방송 통해 공습경보 발령…훈련 추정(2보) "싸이 성공, '한류' 틀 벗어나 가능했던 것" < 연합시론 > `김병관 거취' 가부간에 결단해야 < 프로농구 > 은퇴 서장훈 "내 농구 점수는 30점" 軍 "北방송의 공습경보 발령은 훈련 상황"(종합)

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